Managers' Feedback Program

MIT managers are invited to join this program on asking for, receiving, and using feedback to improve effectiveness and augment growth.


Feedback is a gift whose value is best realized when we embrace it with an open mind, commit to action based on it, and follow through in the spirit of continual self-improvement.

Open to all MIT managers of people, the program consists of six sessions and independent, individual work over the course of eight months.

After an introductory session on how to receive feedback, participants will ask for feedback from two direct reports and based on that feedback, set and pursue management learning goals. Check-ins over the course of the program provide opportunities for the participants to track their progress and support each other as a cohort.

Who May Participate?

  • Any MIT manager of people

More About the Program

Program benefits

The program is intended to provide managers with the experience of asking for feedback from their direct reports and setting and working toward development goals based on that feedback. It is based in a recognition that:

  • Managers serve a critical role in guiding work and creating a culture of respect and inclusion.
  • There can be a gap between what we intend with our words and actions and the impact we are having on others. Feedback can help managers be mindful of that possible gap.
  • Others see things about our performance that we don't see. Feedback gives managers the benefit of their direct reports' perspectives.
  • We are all a work in progress. Feedback can help managers with their ongoing learning and development.
  • The practice of asking for and receiving feedback with an open mind and a learning orientation can enhance communication and trust between a manager and direct report.

What to expect

Managers who participate in the program commit to the following expectations:

  • Attend all six sessions
  • Complete self-directed activities
  • Ask for and be open to honest feedback from their direct reports
  • Embrace feedback as a learning opportunity
  • Commit to continual learning as a manager
  • Support fellow participants as they seek to learn from feedback and grow as managers
  • Provide feedback to the program facilitator on the program experience and opportunities for improvement

Program sequence

Month 1

Workshop: Feedback as a Gift (2 hours)

  • Program overview
  • Receiving feedback
  • Learning from feedback
Months 1-2

Self-Directed: Gathering Feedback

  • Managers meet with two direct reports to ask for and hear feedback (questions, guidance provided)
  • Managers aggregate and reflect on feedback
  • Managers prepare to bring feedback to the next workshop
Month 2

Workshop: Feedback as a First Step (2 hours)

  • Debrief feedback from direct reports
  • Development goal-setting and action planning
Months 2-3

Self-Directed: Sharing Goals

  • Managers meet with their two direct reports to share the development goals they have set
Month 4

Peer Coaching Session (1 hour)

Month 5

Self-Directed: How Am I Doing?

  • Managers meet with their two direct reports to ask for feedback on their progress
Month 6

Peer Coaching Session (1 hour)

Month 7

Self-Directed: How Did I Do?

  • Managers meet with their two direct reports to ask for feedback on their progress
  • Managers aggregate and reflect on that feedback
  • Managers reflect on the overall program experience
Month 8

Workshop: Feedback as a Strategy (2 hours)

  • Debrief work on development goals and program experience
  • Debrief final feedback from direct reports
  • Using feedback as a management strategy moving forward

2024 session schedule

  • Friday, April 26 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (virtual with in-person option at NE49-3100)
  • Friday, June 7 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (virtual with in-person option at NE49-3100)
  • Thursday, July 11 from 10 to 11 a.m. (virtual)
  • Thursday, August 8 from 10 to 11 a.m. (virtual)
  • Thursday, September 12 from 10 to 11 a.m. (virtual)
  • Thursday, October 10 from 10 to 11 a.m. (virtual)
  • Friday, November 8 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. (virtual with in-person option at NE49-3100)


 Register for the Manager's Feedback Program

