
Performance review forms summarize ongoing conversations and provide a record of past performance and expectations moving forward.

MIT Performance Review Form (PRF)

MIT's online Performance Review Form is currently available for use in specific MIT areas. Check with your Human Resources Officer (HRO) to find out if your department is using this tool. Other areas should use the forms below.

Other Forms

For areas not using the MIT PRF

Narrative and numerical scale review forms

What is a narrative review form?

A narrative form includes a series of brief paragraphs in which appraisers provide detailed assessments of employee performance in particular categories, such as major accomplishments, areas of exceptional performance, areas that require improvement, and goals and expectations for the following year.

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What is a numerical scale review form?

A numerical scale form takes a quantitative approach in which the appraiser assigns a rating to the employee's performance in a specific aspect of a larger category. A 5-point descriptive scale is recommended. For example, the appraiser may be asked to rank the employee's computer skills on a scale of 1 to 5 (with 5 being exceptional and 1 being unsatisfactory). Numerical scales are more informative for the employee when accompanied by comments. Learn more about performance review ratings.

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Which form should you use?

Narratives and scales provide different types of feedback.

Form Advantages Disadvantages
  • Offers personalized feedback with specific examples
  • Provides talking points for the performance review conversation with the employee
  • Can be difficult to use to compare employees
  • May take more time to complete
Numerical Scale
  • Provides concrete measures that enable managers to compare employee performance across teams or entire divisions
  • Less personal than the narrative option
  • Not as descriptive as the other scales, which can limit its usefulness to the employee

Guidelines for choosing a review form

The most important part of a review is the conversation about past performance and expectations going forward, so select the form that helps you have the most effective conversation. Managers may select any performance review form that suits the needs of their department. However, managers must use the same form for all employees in a specific job category within a department/area.

If you need assistance choosing a form for your department or area, check with your local HR contact or Human Resources Officer. If you ask an employee to complete a self-appraisal form, be sure to include a discussion of that form in the review conversation. Managers must retain performance review documents with the employee records.

Whichever form you choose, an effective performance evaluation should:

  1. Review and update the job/position description
  2. Address performance and accomplishments over the past year
  3. Set performance and development goals for the coming year

Self-assessment review form

A self-assessment review form

  • helps you prepare for the annual performance review conversation with your manager
  • serves as the basis for a conversation about your current position, your contributions to your department, and your development interests and needs
  • is a useful component of your development and career planning

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Research staff review form

This form is for use by MIT research scientists, research engineers, and research associates.

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Did You Know?

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