
To help both employees and managers understand and use the MIT competencies as part of the performance review process, we've listed examples and links to relevant Learning Bundles below.

Collaborating and building relationships

Some Examples for All Employees More Examples for Managers & Leaders
  • Builds productive work relationships
  • Is cooperative and a team player
  • Works well with others to solve challenges
  • Seeks opportunities to collaborate with others
  • Aligns team members to shared goals and creates opportunities for teamwork
  • Builds relationships with key stakeholders and grows a trusted network inside and outside MIT
  • Promptly and effectively manages conflict
  • Champions and enables cross-organizational, multiple stakeholder initiatives that need collaboration

Learn more: Collaborating and Building Relationships Learning Bundle

Communicating with influence

Some Examples for All Employees More Examples for Managers & Leaders
  • Exhibits ability to communicate effectively across cultures or differences
  • Writes, speaks, and presents effectively
  • Makes suggestions in a way that others understand
  • Welcomes and actively listens to others’ feedback, ideas, and concerns
  • Communicates in a timely manner with others about changes that may impact them, including the context and/or reasons for the changes
  • Steadfastly and diplomatically motivates others for results for the collective benefit of the organization
  • Develops and communicates a clear and compelling vision that moves others to act

Learn more: Communicating with Influence Learning Bundle

Demonstrating strategic agility

Some Examples for All Employees More Examples for Managers & Leaders
  • Understands the work of the department and how it contributes to MIT
  • Demonstrates flexibility when there is a need to change, reprioritize, or shift focus or goals
  • Anticipates consequences of actions, problems and opportunities; acts accordingly
  • Helps develop, shape and articulate a compelling long-term vision
  • Ensures that others’ work is prioritized to align with the vision
  • Creates and/or implements objectives and strategies (may include breakthrough strategies)
  • Champions the Institute’s initiatives and decisions

Learn more: Demonstrating Strategic Agility Learning Bundle

Developing the potential of self and others

Some Examples for All Employees More Examples for Managers & Leaders
  • Actively seeks opportunities to improve, learn, and grow
  • Participates in learning opportunities and applies the learnings to the work
  • Shares knowledge, assistance, and guidance to help others learn while getting the job done
  • Creates a culture of development through coaching, delegating, providing stretch assignments, giving meaningful feedback, etc.
  • Distributes assignments equitably to promote team learning and shared success
  • Enables career development and movement inside and outside the department

Learn more: Developing Oneself and Developing the Potential of Others Learning Bundles

Exercising integrity and credibility

Some Examples for All Employees More Examples for Managers & Leaders
  • Is trustworthy and widely trusted
  • Responds directly, promptly and sensitively to unethical behavior; escalates if necessary
  • Admits mistakes and/or lack of knowledge
  • Speaks openly, candidly and honestly about issues
  • Takes responsibility for one’s safety and well-being
  • Models the same behavior for which he/she holds others accountable (“walks the talk”)
  • Provides guidance in ethically complex situations
  • Communicates the organization’s values and ethical norms to staff, stakeholders, clients and the external community
  • Creates a culture of safety and well-being, and is a role model for both

Learn more: Exercising Integrity and Credibility Learning Bundle

Focusing on the customer

Some Examples for All Employees More Examples for Managers & Leaders
  • Assumes responsibility for meeting customers’ needs and holds self accountable for follow-up
  • Takes extra steps and demonstrates creativity to meet others’ needs
  • Provides courteous, timely and professional service even in difficult situations
  • Effectively holds staff accountable for and dedicated to meeting customer needs
  • Models all aspects of superior customer service, including measuring that service
  • Forecasts and meets complex and diverse customer needs

Learn more: Focusing on the Customer Learning Bundle

Fostering an inclusive community

Some Examples for All Employees More Examples for Managers & Leaders
  • Is open, welcoming, inclusive, and respectful of differences
  • Is aware of and manages own bias(es)
  • Takes action in response to behaviors that diminish MIT as an inclusive and caring community
  • Promotes a vision for a climate of respect and inclusion
  • Proactively seeks, hires and develops diverse candidates
  • Encourages staff to build community and acknowledges those who do

Learn more: Fostering an Inclusive Community Learning Bundle

Implementing proactively and decisively

Some Examples for All Employees More Examples for Managers & Leaders
  • Initiates action to address underlying causes of problems and patterns
  • Recognizes barriers, solves where possible, and escalates when necessary
  • Seizes opportunities and contributes new ideas
  • Takes ownership and holds oneself accountable
  • Initiates organizational change and improvements
  • Creates a culture that enables and recognizes others who take calculated risks to advance goals and experiment with new approaches
  • Effectively brings together people, funds and space required to advance organizational goals

Learn more: Implementing Proactively and Decisively Learning Bundle


Did You Know?

New here? See our site for new MIT employees as well as our onboarding tools for managers.