Work Succeeding FAQs

The Work Succeeding team developed guidance, policies, and models for the new ways of working at MIT.


What are the goals of Work Succeeding?

The goals of the project are to enable teams across MIT to do their best work, to position MIT to retain and attract the very best talent, and to support the MIT community in furthering the MIT mission. To accomplish these goals, through the project, MIT is providing a set of tools, guidelines, and policies to support potential new models for work. 

How did staff and faculty provide ideas and feedback?

Feedback was gathered through surveys and interviews with faculty and staff. Through these channels, the Work Succeeding project team and consultants gained a greater understanding of how staff work and insights about how the Institute might accommodate a broader set of flexible work arrangements across a wider variety of work settings.

Does MIT have existing flexible work policies?

Yes. The MIT Employment Policy Manual (3.1) outlines the Institute's current policies and guidelines related to flexible work. The Work Succeeding initiative will enhance these with additional support, guidelines, and tools. Departments, Labs, Centers, and Institutes (DLCIs) should continue to follow this existing guidance. This policy will be enhanced and updated as part of the Work Succeeding initiative.

My area was already creating a flexible work program, or we already have one in place. Do we need to make changes based on the Work Succeeding materials now available?

No. Teams with existing flexible work programs or practices in place or in process may find guidance and policies resulting from the Work Succeeding effort to help support flexible work programs that are already in place across the Institute. Worksheets and templates may be useful for documentation at the local level, based on team needs.

I work in a DLCI, and our school has provided guidance that staff, as a baseline, may work remotely two days per week. Should I still follow the Work Succeeding guidance?

You should follow the guidance provided by your school’s administration while using the Work Succeeding materials for additional guidance and reference. Your school may require a specific approval process to request a remote work ratio that exceeds the established baseline.

I’m a union employee. Can I take part in a flexible work arrangement?

Work arrangements for organized staff are established through existing bargaining agreements or obligations. For this reason, organized staff are not included in flexible work arrangements at this time.

Will my area be given specific work options from this initiative?

In consideration of different potential work models, areas have been offered guidance in the form of tools and policies that will help them support Institute and area priorities as well as staff members. This guidance allows each organizational area to develop its own plan for review and approval by their department head.

Who is leading the initiative?

The Work Succeeding Steering Committee includes:

  • Ramona Allen, Vice President for Human Resources, Co-Chair
  • Robin Elices, Executive Director, Office of the Executive Vice President and Treasurer
  • Shirley A. Entzminger, Administrative Assistant, Department of Mathematics
  • Amy Glasmeier, Professor, Department of Urban Studies and Planning
  • Joe Higgins, Vice President for Campus Services and Stewardship, Co-Chair
  • Tim Jamison, Associate Provost
  • Erin Kelly, Professor, Sloan School of Management
  • Tom Kochan, Professor, Sloan School of Management
  • Christina Lo, Director of Strategic Sourcing and Contracts, Office of the Vice President for Finance
  • Todd Robinson, Senior Campus Planner, Office of Campus Planning
  • Krystyn Van Vliet, Associate Provost, Co-Chair

Can I work from out of state or internationally?

MIT policies about work outside of Massachusetts are available in the Employment Policy Manual, Section 3.1, "Work outside Massachusetts."

Learn More

View the Work Succeeding overview.