Medical Documentation Actions for DLCIs

Employees are required to submit medical documentation for leaves related to serious health conditions.

Information for Employees

See the information on medical documentation that is provided to employees.

Information for Department, Lab, Center, or Institute (DLCI) Administrators

Once Workpartners has been notified of an employee’s serious illness, a medical form will be sent to the employee. From the date of that letter, the employee will have 15 days to provide the completed medical documentation to Workpartners. The table below shows actions that may be taken related to the submission of the documentation. DLCI actions are highlighted in yellow.

Timeframe Action(s) Taken
If the medical documentation is received within 15 days

If the documentation is complete and sufficient, the employee will go on Serious Illness Leave (at 100%) or Serious Illness Reduced Pay (at 80%), if elected. 

If the documentation is submitted but is not sufficient, the employee will be given seven days to obtain the missing information. If the updated medical documentation is received within the seven-day period, the employee will be paid at the Serious Illness or Serious Illness Reduced Pay (SIRP) rate they elected, retroactive to their first day of absence.

If the medical documentation is not received within 15 days

On day 16 (or day 22 after the 7-day extension for insufficient documentation), Workpartners will deny the leave and notify Payroll to place the employee on Leave Without Pay (LWOP).

If the medical documentation is received after day 15 but before day 30

When Workpartners receives sufficient medical documentation, they will begin leave payment on that day. The employee will be paid retroactively at the State Rate between days 16 (or day 22 after the 7-day extension for insufficient documentation) and the date the documentation was received.

Workpartners will send a return file to Payroll to end the employee's LWOP.

If no medical documentation is received within 30 days

The leave request will be denied, the case will be closed by Workpartners, and the employee will be returned to active status.

If the employee has not returned to work:

  • If the employee does not return, the DLCI must submit an action to place the employee back on LWOP.
  • The DLCI may send a letter to the employee advising them that they are expected to return to work.

If the employee submits documentation after 30 days, there will be no retroactive pay.