Suggested Reading

We've found the following books to be helpful in understanding the culture at MIT.

Becoming MIT: Moments of Decision

Edited by David Kaiser
Germeshausen Professor of the History of Science, MIT Program in Science, Technology, and Society

MIT Press | MIT Libraries

Countless Connecting Threads: MIT’s History Revealed through Its Most Evocative Objects

Deborah G. Douglas
Curator of Science and Technology
MIT Museum

MIT Press | MIT Libraries

Mens Et Mania: The MIT Nobody Knows

Samuel Jay Keyser
Professor Emeritus, MIT Department of Linguistics and Philosophy

MIT Press | MIT Libraries

Nightwork: A History of Hacks and Pranks at MIT

Institute Historian T.F. Peterson
(hint: the author's name itself is a hack)

MIT Press | MIT Libraries

Technology and the Dream
Reflections on the Black Experience at MIT, 1941–1999

Clarence G. Williams

MIT Press | MIT Libraries

A Widening Sphere: Evolving Cultures at MIT
A Portrait of the Institute Through the Lives of its First Nine Presidents
William Barton Rogers to Karl Taylor Compton (1804-1954)

Philip N. Alexander
Research Associate, MIT Program in Writing and Humanistic Studies

MIT Press | MIT Libraries